An administrative calendar is created to show the year at a glance and make sure all meetings, legal notices, community events, and maintenance items are planned and scheduled. We review your documents storage and filing structure, making sure members have access to what they need and board members have exclusive access to privileged information.
An administrative calendar is created to show the year at a glance and make sure all meetings, legal notices, community events, and maintenance items are planned and scheduled. We review your documents storage and filing structure, making sure members have access to what they need and board members have exclusive access to privileged information.
We review the governing documents, rules, and enforcement procedures. We examine policies for meetings, parking/towing, hearings, and a number of other administrative functions.
Working together, and with your attorney, we help you create policy or administrative resolutions that get legally filed and then become law unless a future board votes for change. We review all your insurance policies to make sure you are adequately covered.